Empowering, informing & supporting you to live a healthy life

We are committed to working together to deliver the right help and support for our residents

Who we are

Castle Point and Rochford have a joint Health and Wellbeing Board. It is a partnership of local organisations working together to promote wellbeing across Castle Point and the Rochford District.

We have used data and insight to identify the main health challenges and opportunities we see in Castle Point and Rochford. From this we have agreed our four priorities: physical health, mental health and wellbeing, ageing well and community resilience.

Find a service

Search for a service in the Castlepoint and Rochford area by clicking on the location pointers or find a service by priority.

Our priorities

Filter the services available in one of our four priority areas; Mental health & wellbeing, Physical health & wellbeing, Ageing well and Community resilience using the dropdown under the map and discover a specific service with a priority suited to your needs.